

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Streams Coming Down: First Smallmouth Bass of the Year, Plenty Trout Caught

Though aerated, my minnow bucket took direct sun rays today (as did my face, burned). We enjoyed my son's Little League celebration all day while all of my leftover shiners died, but one. So I took this single sacrifice and cast it with a split shot into the hole up against the bridge abutment in the photo, at the Verizon building, the Route 202/206 spot. Result: the smallmouth bass in the photo. A fat fish. My first smallmouth of the year, but not the lunker trout I hoped would hit the big shiner.

I fished salmon eggs for perhaps 10 minutes and moved on to AT&T, the entrance roadway goes over the bridge photographed (below). I fished fairly hard, especially after I finally took a couple of hits. But having one on, which stripped some drag and put up a tussle, stands for all of the action I got besides more hits, out just long enough to feel I really tried.

Water level continues to fall. No stain taints the North Branch, although the water is not very clear. Plenty of trout got caught today, as evidenced by men carrying off stringers of rainbows across the ball fields upstream of AT&T. where we enjoyed the Little League party.

Tommorow is the big Manasquan Reservoir trip. My expectations aren't great, but that's just the way I feel, although with as much sun as this afternoon, it may be tough indeed. I just won't get up at 5:00 a.m. to make it for the 7:00 a.m. rental opening. Usually I truly awake eagerly--as early as 3:30 a.m.--for a fishing trip (and never for my job). But I am really beat today.

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