

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Never Saw Millstone River in Better Shape: Looks Like an Ideal Trout Opening Day Ahead

Today I drove along the Raritan River, over the Millstone River at Wilhousky Street, and over the South Branch Raritan at a couple of points, and the Neshanic River as well. All of these streams are in perfect shape. I really thought of Opening Day ahead a week from now less than I did of what a perfect spot for spawn-driven pike that dam at Wilhousky appears to be. But I guess it's too late now. Better to have tried sometime in February this year.

I could have geared up to fish at lunch break, but I'm just not so organized because I can't stand being bound to routine, so if I can get out the door in the morning without even thinking at all of gathering my camera bag and tackle tote, I will tend to do that and enjoy a little freedom. I find little ways to let go of the grip of routine rather than being fixated on security. Today I had intended to meet a friend during my break time, so it was easy to have overlooked preparing to fish in case this didn't work out as it didn't.

Had a taste of Paradise at Wilhousky Street, Manville, New Jersey--just the sight of that clear Millstone River water for a moment, which is so unusual for the Millstone, typically more off-color than clear. I think it will be an ideal Opening Day for trout, not that the Millstone will have any. I'm thinking of Opening Day for my son's sake; I'm just along for the ride to serve as guide. 

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