

Thursday, January 5, 2017

New Jersey: Beacon of Hope

Drove over to the Lamington River in Bedminster for another photo shoot of the Burnt Mills Remnant Dam, slated for removal in 2018 by Trout Scapes River Restoration LLC. Since I need photos for a couple of articles I hope to get published, I haven't posted most of what I shot.

Anticipate new holes for stocked trout and smallmouth bass, since Trout Scapes will do more work than just take out the dam. Dams come down; rivers and streams receive restoration work true to natural dynamics yet creating new possibilities within the larger context of a stream's general course.

It's all happening where the industrial revolution originated to greatest degree. If New Jersey will reach its ideal as The Garden State, then everywhere else on the planet will see a beacon of hope to look up to. After all, we're only the most populated state in the nation, the most built-up and industrialized with dozens of Superfund environmental clean-up sites to boast.   

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