

Monday, September 11, 2017

Passaic River

Blood pressure problem I mentioned in a fairly recent post is solved. Saw my physician this morning; on the way home, I stopped at New Jersey Audubon Sherman Hoffman Preserve, walked a trail to the Passaic River and took some photographs. Here the river is a little trout stream, loaded with browns and rainbows anyone can fish with a fly rod. Signing in at the NJ Audubon shop is required. 

This photo I've posted isn't much. I'm keeping the better for possible use.

I nearly decided not to make the trek that proved much less the effort than I had feared. I would come home and fiddle my riddle instead, just a couple of hours before I would leave for work, but once I walked from a field into woods, I felt that coolness possible to experience only in a woodland, because the air breathed has whatever scents or whatever the stuff is--very subtle--not present in other environments. So rather than the status quo home environment qualifying who I am, I got at least a little of this subtle complexity, and by the river also.

It makes a difference. 


  1. This is better than any prescription a doctor could give to control bp. Glad it's under control. JH

    1. Thanks Jorge, but not quite. Don't think I would be alive now without medicine. Feels a little odd to depend on it, but I do. Hey, I pay the cost.


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