

Friday, February 16, 2018

It's Over

That's all folks! Today at work I made simple plans to put away my ice gear on Monday. The Ice Breaker came early this week, as I wrote about that as the turning point; more rain and mild temperatures followed, and not only are two days forecast with temperatures around 70 next week, which means probably warmer, temperatures will range into the 40's and 50's on the other days.

I noticed one of the neighborhood ponds is fully open. Last Friday, it was frozen hard.

I got out three times. Just as I planned to ice fish this winter. It doesn't quite feel enough, which means maybe next winter, I'll do more. We caught fish. I don't mean I'm not satisfied; I just feel I could get a lot more into the grind than I did.

And I have plans already about how to approach next winter, which means we might catch more fish than this winter. Maybe a lot more. Budd Lake is always my wild card, however, and it seems I can't help but get skunked there...even though I'm very drawn to ice fish that lake. I don't have it in my plans, but might not be able to help myself and change them; I don't know, even though admitting that is already a subtle adjustment. So I doubt it.

I've been going to Hopatcong mostly in recent years, but now I seem to have enough--or almost enough--photos for my book. Ice fishing photos, I mean. I preferred ice fishing elsewhere this year.

Hope for frigid weather!

But for now, spring is certainly on the way in.

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