

Friday, April 27, 2018


We just laugh. I never told Lenny, but where he's at, I pulled a reversal on Beethoven's refusal to play for the pigs, since there I figured the Old Man had entitlement issues.


  1. ???? You got me on that, Bruce! I have NO clue!

  2. History lesson. "I will not play for such pigs!" Lugwig van Beethoven. 1st learned of this when my music professor at Lynchburg College stated it with a great deal of his own personal emotion. After that, I got a poem published in the college literary magazine, a poem celebrating rock n roll, and this music professor, who had elevated me as his standout student, expressed hatred towards me for that poem. So go figure. I did in the WH. Took me all these years to figure, well, maybe that professor's problem was a little Beethoven's own problem.

    1. Should have made it clear. He was the classical music professor. Course title made that distinction. And certainly the professor valued classical...but sacred too, though I don't think I ever knew if really knew content of this category, but he knew classical and he thought rock was a crime.

  3. Hey, "Pigs" is a peculiar favorite of mine. Pink Floyd.

  4. Don't really hate the professor. Pity him. Beethoven, I've always sensed something there to hate, but of course, admire his work. Something there to pity, too. It looks like I wrote the poem and got it published just to spite the professor in an awful way, but then I would have smitten my face, after all, since he did elevate as star student, and as a matter of fact, he once gathered the attention of the class, and said, "You need a college degree in order to make it in this world." And then he paused, looked directly in my eyes, and said, "Unless you are a genius." I wrote the poem out of honest praise unrelated to him. Only later did I realize that on unconscious level, some demon in me might have been there to unseat him, which the poem did do, but even his hatred, I just took it, gazing back upon him evenly, no protest, no devastation suffered by me. I didn't mean to hurt him.

    1. I gave Harp a Christmas gift that winter. Guess what. I figured, OK, so Harp was Sergeant. My Dad was Music Director, Washington National Cathedral. And there he made a great recording of what he directed. Some of that. So I figured. Harp in U.S. Marines. There's got to be some connection to the Cathedral in oblique ways. After all, didn't George W. Bush attend under my father's services...yes. Almost certain of that, but haven't asked to be absolutely certain. So I went on Amazon, ordered the recording, the C.D. Only cost about 10 bucks. I told Harp he might not ever listen to it, but I told him what it IS. He said, "You might be surprised at what I listen to," though, with his usual mystery, he said no more.

    2. Gotta say, Lenny. Here we have a fair deal to do with Trout Fishing in America. I like the tigers you mentioned best.

    3. Hope to hear from you Monday, Lenny. I know you read the blog during the week, of course. Can't imagine what your response might be, but none of this deviates from what was at the WH. Harp told me you and me and Ray and Matt made club history and will be featured in a yearbook of sorts. Told me this upon my farewell. I always felt we were doing a standout job. I know you're still doing just that, judging by my two visits, and what I heard from other Matt.

  5. Ok Bruce. I just read all you said, and since I'm not as well versed as you, I have to say, I still have no clue! I guess you'll just have to talk down to me! I do know I miss working with you, and we're still trying to carry on the way we were taught. Trying to get the WOW factor!

  6. I was just jazzing around, picking up on the previous post, feeling the weight of the Twilight Zone, but knowing at the same time none of this need be taken seriously. And back when at least one other got very mad at that post I linked to, Mike and I, we just laughed. Not just to make fun of the guy; we both talked compassionately about where he was about it, but he was mistaken...and just a little worse than mistaken, and we laughed about that part.


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