

Thursday, February 21, 2019

How's the WH?

Just polished off a goodly portion of white rum leftover from Ocracoke Island, that infamous seat of the ragged pants of pirate Blackbeard, which celebrated the 300th Anniversary of His Decapitation last summer while we there; what a festive occasion I would have been proud to see Theodore Roosevelt celebrate, given that the Governor of Virginia, Alexander Spotswood, ordered the Lenny, what's up? This rum just did not work against my insomnia, so I've come downstairs, drinking milk I heated almost to boiling...the...I forget the name of the substance, starts with an t, I think.

A good Governor, Spotswood. No affiliation, by merit of a joke, I agree, with the KKK.

I see trout in the river lost to vagaries of my imagination, but I know firmly that so long as they still get stocked, that portion of the river is exceptional...I like to hope a few escapees make it into stretches beyond.

WH is a tough job, but I know you have a nice chair and desk. Think of you on frequent occasion, so here's to history, as Boss would have it. He tell you that? Told me that.


  1. Hahaha, it's all good Bruce! I check out your blog every day, part of my morning routine! Always looking to see how Fred is getting in the act! Now's the time for Manhattans, not Rum!!! Stop by anytime my friend!

    1. Yeah, I did feel, once I downed the stuff, it was somehow inappropriate, and the drunk felt rough, too. Will have to stop over sometime.

  2. No Bruce and Fred adventures lately, ice fishing in not my gig, but I have caught 27 trout so far this year on the open water. A Manhattan on Saturday sounds nice. Fred

  3. You know my "secret" spot. It's actually 49 trout if you count in Decembers catch (and 6 sunfish)!

    1. There's a lot of trout in there. Trout will remain catchable even in August; at least, my son and I have done it there.

  4. Yup.. and caught 7 more yesterday afternoon. For the record, all the trout were released. Fred


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