

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Arrived at my in-laws' at Lebanon, Maine, early this afternoon. Near New Hampshire border. Barb & Iain invited some friends over, and we were told about the Isinglass River for trout. I went online and found it's mostly an affair with stockers. I'm definitely interested in native brook trout, but not in driving an hour or more. Isinglass is only 20 minutes away, but we'll pass on any holdovers. Of course, trying to find spots during one evening of internet search won't be very fruitful, unless there happen to be some prominently visible nearby.

And to fit that bill, the Salmon Falls River is only about four miles away. By what I've gathered, it has some smallmouth bass.

Hope to find out tomorrow how many. Don't expect us to find many, though. My gut usually is right. And if we wait until Friday, I'll try to report Friday night.

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