

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

A Little Ice?

We've got some strings of nights in the teens and low 20's in the forecast. My son is working Sunday, but may have off a week from today when we might get out. I have my doubts, though, that either Round Valley Pond or Tilcon Lake will freeze sufficiently, especially Tilcon with even deeper water and wider acreage. And I don't want to go out on Tilcon if ice is three inches thick. I will go out on three inches covering Round Valley Pond, because it has tighter surface acreage, which means it's   more likely to freeze evenly. It is deep at about 37 feet, though. Will three inches of ice cover it by Wednesday? Does not feel very likely. So will we go fish shallow Budd Lake, if it's marginally safe?
We had such a good time over at Round Valley last year, and Oliver and I out on Tilcon,,,