

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Hike at Round Valley

We had a great afternoon. Matt, his mother, me, and Sadie. Last time Trish and I hiked here, before she came with Matt along and they hiked, me staying near the ramp and shooting photos, we came short of walking all the way from Ranger Cove to the ramp, and she was pissed. Sciatica in my right thigh and leg was pretty bad, and I was under the delusion that my new Nikon D850 wasn't focusing. In a word, I was a mess. Anxiety was so bad for about two months with everything gone wrong after Florida, that it affected my judgment so I couldn't tell if my camera worked. After I got home and loaded the images, I did change my mind. Everything finally got righted when Covid-19 hit.

Today, I learned that we were much closer to the goal that day than I had felt we were. And the hike back to Ranger Cove was so easy that I understood I can come over here and work from some new spots with ease to get shots with my camera.

There are dozens of trails. All sorts of them are makeshift, more than half of them below the normal water line. It's really cool hiking with so many choices and making the way up as you go. What a different feel back in the woods than at the water among bleached rocks in direct sun. And it's easy to find a way back in under the trees, and then back out. Very interesting.  

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