

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Further Thought on the Blog

If there's one thing this blog would compete against, it would be time. Perhaps your first thought would be of the Blogger platform. It's finite and probably more so than the web itself, but if it were to be taken down, the content could be transferred to a self-hosted site. 

For many years now, my intention has not only been to continue blogging to my death bed, but beyond the grave. Or let's put that in practical terms. My son will take control. I'm sure he won't post, but he could. The point is to keep the content available. 

Every year, the blog has hosted more than a hundred posts. Will I keep that pace going to the end? I won't promise that. I suppose I might, but if numbers dip under triple digits for the year, it doesn't mean I won't post at all. 

I've seen many blogs start up, flicker, and die. This one has been driven by no less than manic power, and manic power is a spiritual reality I believe we all ultimately reckon with when we trip over the final line and are declared dead. 

Who knows. Maybe the reality on the other side just leaves this world in shadow. 


  1. Congrats on 10 years blogging. Do keep on posting to infinity and beyond! FM

    1. Funny, my best friend at Shop Rite calls me Buzz Lightyear.

    2. Thanks for the congrats. Got to keep you in it!


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