

Monday, July 12, 2021

Great Hybrid Wins Knee Deep Contest

Laurie Murphy:

The Knee Deep Club held their hybrid striped bass contest this past weekend with 41 entrants. The winning fish was a whopper weighing in at 9 lb 15 oz caught by Christopher Mackin. Chris Faulkner took 2nd place with a 7 lb 1 oz fish and Eddie Mackin placed 3rd with his 7 pound Hybrid. Fourth thru sixth place each won a gift certificate to Dows going to Eddie Robillard, Dave Faulkner and Cory Ireland , with all 3 fish weighing 6 lbs 15 oz. Next up is the Catfish Contest, taking place on August 7th & 8th. So Make your plans now … There were also several nice walleye brought in , with Jerry Freeman’s hitting the scales at 7 lb 5 oz, Lou Marcucci with a 5 lb 7 oz, Jack Dziduch with his walleye weighing 5 lb 14 oz and Roman Pera’s was 5 lb 13 oz. Lots of pickerel were caught during the week and several smallmouth 2 - 3 pounds were seen. Eddie Robillard also weighed in a white catfish at 3 lbs 1 oz. Junior Knee Deeper Brandon Wood had stripers up to 5 lb 5 oz and his cousin Colby Wood caught his first smallmouth weighing almost 1 1/2 pounds. Check out Knee Deep’s facebook page to check out some pictures posted from the contest. Have a great week !!!

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