

Friday, January 7, 2022

Spot on Predictions of Our Time from 1956

Goes to show how accurate is science.


  1. Really?
    Please check sources before posting.
    I surf this site for fishing stories, not political propaganda.

    1. Gave them the benefit of the doubt when they said scientists made the forecasts. I don't really know. But it's a fun video. If you don't like it, you should pay attention, perhaps, to the posts you do like. I can't possible please everyone, so I please myself.

  2. First, I do appreciate and thank you for the fact finding. That said, I am a fan of the occasional off topic of this blog no matter what the content is. If you enjoy only the fishing content, then do continue viewing the site and pass on what you do not care about.

    I do love that video, kudos to the creator, I highly recommend everyone view the unedited version off the Reuters site, the napkin commercial is hilarious and the last 3 seconds is a classic 50's ending.

    1. Thanks especially for liking the occasional off topic post. It's not like I need to be rigid like a heavy-power pole.

  3. First, you're welcome.
    That said, I expect posts here to be authentic and from credible sources - not FB misinformation created in 2020 using vintage 50's video with voice-overs to create an illusion of historical fact.
    How many uninformed readers will re-post this contrived video believing it to be reality? Obviously, if the originator of this blog did, others will do the same.
    I expect more from BEL's blogs and hope he understands that the first rule of journalism is to check his sources twice.
    BEL is too intelligent to not realize his liberal voice (perhaps unwittingly?) only fueled the divisive forces in our great country by posting a FAKE video.

    To paraphrase Gertrude Stein, A Fake News video is A Fake News video is A Fake News video...

    Tight Lines in 2022 and GOD Bless AMERICA!

    1. Thanks for coming back & adding to the discussion. Thanks for recognizing my intelligence--I will be the first to admit I can be astoundingly naive. Sometimes smart people do the most stupid things. No more than as a shadow did I think of this video as political, and I'll credit you for championing critical intelligence--and that I could have questioned that shadowy notion telling me this is what amounts to fake news I'm about to post, that it might be all made up, and the least I can do is ask the guy who sent it to me, where he got it! That said, I'm glad posting it got people interested. I never took it seriously, anyhow. I just thought it was fun to imagine if, and right after I hit publish, I reread my statement and told myself it's unassailable--those words I wrote--anyhow. Anything will go to show how accurate is science. I don't know if my friend got the post from FB. I would say 99.9 percent no to that. He rarely goes on FB. If ever anymore. He has political beliefs. Right wing. He's a famous journalist. I can't credit myself quite that. I won't name him, of course not, what he sent me is in contention. I think of myself more as an artist than as a journalist, which irks my friend. Go figure on that account. I'll leave it up. We all see plainly, any who read the comments & that seems most, that it's in question about its authenticity.


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