

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Beaver Cuts and a Coot

Now I felt determined to see signs of life, and I found that easy. I guess I just didn't notice these recent beaver cuts yesterday, unless they were done early this morning. Notice how one of the beavers got up there pretty high on the tree cut down some three feet or more from the water surface. Down below, it almost cut through but abandoned doing so for some reason. 

Otherwise, I did see a coot. I got photos of coots with my 35mm film camera at the Bedminster Pond more than 10 years ago, and I've never seen one since, except for today. 

I fished the same Rapala. I just figured I'd keep playing with that. I did get into tight spots, the two photographed below, figuring that if any bass finned in the warmer shallow water, these corners would easily hold one or two. Sixty-seven degrees out. Some sun, too.

But for the most part, the water's cold and nothings moving. When the frogs begin making song, you count on at least a little bass action, but not a sound yet. 

The Township has been working on the pond. Treating the heavy algae buildup and other aquatic vegetation. I'm surprised that includes water chestnuts, only because they take over rapidly and thoroughly, and I haven't seen that happen. Only the algae. 

Tight corner. To the immediate right in the top of the photo, the bank forms a little buttress against water that has a couple feet of depth or so.

 Here there's a shallow and tiny little cove I tried out in front of where the picture begins.

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