

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Hudson Canyon Marine Park

DEC   I read the article and found mention of commercial fishing preserved at the Hudson Canyon, but not even mention of recreational fishing prohibited. When I encounter a situation like this, I suspect that recreational fishing is being marginalized as part of a larger prejudice against us. I might be biased. For obvious reason. But why would it be so unfair to the marine environment to let recreational anglers fish out there? Does anyone believe we put a lot of pressure on the Hudson Canyon? 


  1. NOAA is totally the worst enemy of recreational fishery! Their skewed data is behind every limit placed on us. The article's words "offshore wind development" tell me all I need to know. FM

    1. This much I can tell at a glance--you have a great grasp of the issues. But though I can tell that about you right away...I have no such grasp of the issues. That's someone with a psychological insight for you.


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