

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Got Over to a Favorite Spot

Would've been an odd year had I never fished my favorite river bass spot. I know I like to let old haunts go and find new water, but after 14 years here, I doubt this one will ever pass before I do.

I like to be in the water wading well before sunup, but I was up late last night, so I didn't get to the river until well after 11:00. I cast that little paddletail jig into shadow remaining out from the bank facing me, but after more than a dozen casts working the hole's headwaters in addition to that shade, all I got was one hit, which might have been a sunfish.

I started working my way down towards the tree with the rope swing (what's left of it), and about midway, had some action on a Senko. I missed a hit and then another. That second fish pulled my four-incher off the hook. 

So I made my way back for another, took note of the fact that I had used black when the water is almost gin-clear and the sun is high overhead. Switched to white/green. Five inches. That also worked, in the same spot. I hooked a bass for a second that felt half decent. Then another one pulled THAT Senko off the hook. This time I attached my O-ring tool to my belt, and put Senkos in a pocket.

Never had need of either, but I caught a couple of average stream bass. The second one I caught as I was nearly done fishing, near where I placed my camera bag, so I got a shot of that one. Had to leave because I have a dentist appointment this afternoon, and I had left my mobile device in my car, possibly to roast in the heat. Whatever the eventuality, I didn't know what time it was.

I got home plenty early, feeling really good about having got over there. I have done well in midday heat other times there, but it always seem a really good bass is vulnerable to a topwater plug early.

 Nice calm surface

Monday, September 4, 2023

Toby Lapinski Fishing Tackle Retailer

Fishing Tackle Retailer Toby Lapinski is now editor-in-chief, Fishing Tackle Retailer magazine. For 10 years he served as managing editor for The Fisherman New England edition. One of his roles was to edit the freshwater column, which runs for all regional editions. So for many years, he was my editor, as I often got column pieces published. A very smooth operation. The man knows what he's doing.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Copperhead in Bridgewater  I found one about as big years ago on the corporate sidewalk where my wife worked in Bernards. Sixty degrees out, it was sluggish, so I took out a credit card and, careful that it wouldn't snap at me, eased it off the sidewalk and into mowed grass where it moved along, headed for a hedgerow. I was afraid someone else would've just killed it.