

Monday, April 2, 2012

Snakes in New Jersey and Waiting for Warmer Weather

Already out before my son got up, I asked him to step outside and see what he thinks. It's too cold. Matt's an amazing observer, catcher, and photographer of snakes and we hoped for more today. In New Jersey he's observed, caught, photographed and let go many snakes of ten species. If I knew him when I was a boy, I would have been more than amazed. I went after snakes too, but never had the opportunity Matt does. And this is 2012 when kids supposedly have abandoned the real world for the virtual.
Matt's not a protected boy who only catches snakes (and lizards--in New Jersey, hundreds in Florida) and goes fishing. He plays a range of computer games. His interests at school include baseball and football, social interests implied by this, yet he's smoothly immune to falling under anti-academic stereotypes while getting absolutely no flack from others for being a nature boy, as I was marginalized growing up until I began drinking beer and actually did put anyone under the table who challenged. Matt won't need to do this.

So give up on your moanings about how kids don't go outdoors anymore and just do it!

Guess what? It's not just a free country. It's a free world. All you have to do is choose that freedom.

So a couple of mountains and Ryker Lake wait until we try again Friday. 


  1. I do have a feeling your active participation in Matt's life greatly broadened it. Matt is very lucky to have a father like you.

    1. Thanks Catherine. I'm fortunate to have a son like him. As he's found snakes wonderful, these creatures have the opportunity I never had as a boy.


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