

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

High Water Fertility Mount Hope Pond This Year

Mount Hope Pond's water fertility is richer this year. Clarity is reduced and masses of algae are thick. Last year, none of these masses took hold even by August. I suppose this could be good for the bass, boosting the brood of recent years. Certainly they have more habitat to hide among. But it seems to make fishing tough now; it's as if the nice bass around three pounds I'm used to are not in the sticks like they were last year. Perhaps they get in the algae masses now. 

So I tried placing the Chompers beside the messes to let it drop in possible view. This simple approach really pays off in Lewis Morris County Park's Sunrise Lake. I did hook and lose a bass about three feet between two sickly green clumps.

The two bass I caught took the worm placed well out from shore in deeper water, both near submerged tree trunks.

Such dismay today I got to thinking about going to Hedden Park Friday. Plenty bass in that pond, but small. Finally I realized, no, I'm not selling out on the possibility of a real nice bass like the lunker around 21 inches I spotted two weeks ago. I have another lake in mind I haven't tried, but not yet.

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