

Monday, May 19, 2014

Trout Trolling Lake Hopatcong

Lake Hopatcong trolling with Joe and Brian yesterday late afternoon and evening, we caught a couple of trout. I don't like getting skunked on the lake, and in all these many years have only twice, including yesterday. I got two short hits on a #5 silver Rapala, probably trout like these caught. Joe had a grand time with that brown on his ultra-light. It struck in the middle of Great Cove, the floating Rapala not riding more than three feet down. Brian's trout came from Davis Cove just a matter of feet below surface, fishing over 15-20 feet of water.

The idea was hybrids. Joe had phoned me in the early afternoon, after I got up having stayed up to 5 a.m., writing. He had caught a rainbow and lost a nice trout like his brown, fishing from 7 a.m. Last week, he was catching hybrids.

Since he got wind of some 6 to 8-pounders caught in Bryam Cove, we tried live herring: that's what the action responded to. Not a hit. We live-lined at the surface and down, drifting.

Very chilly out, I had a jacket on, but got cold to the bone by the end. First time on the lake in May, for me. Joe's done it countless times. He has a most convenient living location now. About a hundred yards from Dow's Boat Rentals.

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