

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Knee Deep Club Stocks Lake Hopatcong with 1260 Rainbow and Brown Trout

The Knee Deep Club trout stocking took place today out of Dow's Boat Rentals. 1260 trout total came out of the Musky Fish Hatchery's tanks escorted to five boats, which distributed the rainbows and browns around the lake. 1000 of these fish range from 12 to 15 inches, the additional 260 from three to six pounds, but the big brown photographed above surely is at least seven pounds. From what I gathered, it's about 28 inches long.

That's not a fish photo. The man from the hatchery holds the fish right against the top of his waterproofing, which seems to show well for a company restraining the accentuation of an image and sticking to the facts. Customers have relied successfully on Musky for years. These fish are clean, healthy and now in the lake to provide a real nice fishery at least into June. Last year, summer never heated up enough to kill every or nearly every trout. A few got caught through July and possibly later.

KDC provides for any and everyone who will fish Lake Hopatcong. The possibility is there. Today's event a good time, it's just one example of club functions anyone who fishes can get involved in, whether individually or as a family. Membership includes at least 900 people total, and joining is as easy as Googling the club's name, filling out the form and paying the very modest fee, considering the value of these great fish.

KDC is a highly influential voice for Lake Hopatcong's fishery, with a successful history of negotiating with NJ DEP regarding stockings. In 1985, KDC initiated the stocking of hybrid striped bass in the lake, which has become a fantastic year round fishery. 1996 marks the year the club stocked the first muskies. It's amazing how the lake seems to have transformed overnight into a great musky destination. Join the club and enhance the value of your lake fishing experience. It makes a difference to be an insider, because you have a hand in making this lake what it is. You can come to the annual trout stocking event and carry trout to the stocking boats.

 That's the Big One
And Will it get Caught?


  1. Wow! I had no idea people were doing this for themselves! How cool! Gorgeous pictures.

  2. The forest service over here is pretty much dominating the cabin usage right now. And I believe it's some government agency or other that does the restocking. It's from them we get our burning permits and I believe our fishing licenses.

  3. All the states have various Fish & Wildlife agencies handling fishing licenses & stocking. In NJ, unless I'm mistaken, all the stocking funds come from licenses and trout stamp purchases, which eases my conscience since others taxes, if true, don't pay for it. Yet we have a couple of private hatcheries. Any private stockings have to get Fish & Wildlife approval, and in Lake Hopatcong's case, it's worked out to truly grand degree. One of the stocked fish, walleye, at least attempt's a mystery in regards to wonder if any spawned actually mature, but if so, few. Yet, lake trout originally stocked by the state into Round Valley Reservoir reproduce like chickens.


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