

Monday, May 23, 2016

Next Round: Hybrid Stripers Hit with a Breeze on the Water

Will caught his first hybrid stripers, this month planned since last fall with special consideration for Matt and his friend. Will hooked up on the third pass over my favorite spot, the hybrid stripping line at a quick, steady rate before tossing the hook aside, but action remained pretty steady for the next hour-and-a-half or so: two hybrids for Will, three for me, and one for Matt, and although none of these fish quite compared to what Mike and I encountered just days ago, we had a thoroughly enjoyable time with space leftover for future possibility. Matt and I plan on hybrid stripers in Spruce Run Reservoir come June, and an outing during the summer may offer some guest room.

We experienced a couple of barren passes, and I decided to follow along the shoreline further up the lake, but although we marked a few fish, none hit. Just as well we brought some variety into the outing, as Matt and Will sustained conversation they wouldn't have.

And when we returned to the spot a half hour later, wind had died, and I felt sure this isn't good for trolling, trying to conceptualize just why this may be. I know rough surface activates the environment below and predators get bold just as baitfish may stir to scatter and swim about, since less plainly visible than in light passing through the surface directly. But just the same, with calm surface, the Rapalas get sensed easier than under noise from uneven surface.

Whatever the case, the situation didn't feel right, and most of the time, my hunches judge whatever's really there.

We made three more passes, Matt caught a little trout, and then we headed back to Dow's.

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