

Monday, June 20, 2016

Photo Shoot Afternoon at Round Valley Recreation Area

Bright mid-day sun isn't ideal for photography, but much of the time I just have to take what I can get. Patricia and I spent Father's Day at Round Valley Recreation Area through the main gate for a little more than a couple of hours in the heat. My favorite of all the photos I took is the candid shot of her absorbed in thought. I had been busy trying to photograph a small blue flower with a sunburst pattern, a shot that didn't work out well. Since I got this photo of my wife in the shade and with my 18-55mm Nikkor kit lens, I feared for the worst, but Lightroom is a savior and the kit lens...really isn't as bad as I tend to think. But you can see the blue in the distant trees I couldn't get right, and the sky is bleached out, so once again, I think I'm buying the 17-55mm that costs a lot of money.

The other shots used my Tokina 11-16mm--great lens--and Nikkor 70-200mm f/4 with a 1.4 Nikkor extender and my Nikon D7100 set to 1.3 crop factor. (I used my tripod to get a shot of the carp at quite a distance.)

 About a hundred carp swarmed in the back of Ranger Cove. The angle--fish at a distance--made them look like a miracle of lake trout at the surface on a 93-degree afternoon.


  1. Bruce, I had no idea you had such a back for photography! Great shots

  2. That should have read "knack" I was using the speech to text feature


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