

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Looked Back, Encouraged to Go Ahead

So nice to feel hard crunchy ground under foot. That's not the same as ice under boots, but every time I feel it, it makes me think of a frozen lake. Ice fishing may be out for the rest of this winter around here, but at least when I go outside now, I can feel winter more as it should be.

I looked forward to March the other day, and while working in the Home Chef Studio today, looked back on the past 10 years, feeling encouraged through every evaluation. I meant to take a peek at my fishing log, since I remembered catching two keeper stripers in the Long Branch surf on clams, and feeling as if this was several years ago. Then I realized I didn't post on that. It must have been 2010! Let me have a look...

June 5th, 2010. I caught them--one, two--right off the bat, fishing alone, and phoned for my brother Rick. My sister-in-law answered. He was out. Almost seven years ago! Got to get back and do the likes again! Actually, I did soak clams at least once since I began this blog. Caught several three-foot dogfish. My son and I used to do it for years, and we caught a lot of stripers. But he caught the only one over 28" besides these two.

Do my posts seem to say this past year was a bad one? I doubt it. A little uncertain, sure. I entitled a recent piece "Fortune or Misfortune?" Obviously, there's some rumination going on. There is a concluding statement in the words, however. In our time, literature has lost it's bearing, except for the very recent political uprising. (One might doubt the immortal quality of it!) I refer to Sven Birkhert's authority on the matter and disagree with him, or almost, since in his essay he never concluded with any certainty that the primary is impossible to access beneath the layers of electronic preoccupations.

The primary facts of life will never abandon me. It is quite true: much else has abandoned me to them. And to that I can say, "Thank you very much!"

The happiness of Aristotle is my own.

Perhaps "Fortune or Misfortune?" did not make this so clear.

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