

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Round Valley Reservoir Structural Work Plan Disclosed

On November 14, 2017, New Jersey Water Supply Authority held the public information session I reported on in a previous post. The link below will take you to a pdf packed with the essential information presented for ease of understanding. There are diagrams that explain the project procedures, and much more in a full array of disclosure.

I still have a bucket of shiners on my porch, leftover from the South Branch Raritan River trips about a month ago with Mike Maxwell and then with Steve Slota. I've sort of hoped to get over to the reservoir, fish both these shiners and mealworms and marshmallows, but it's beginning to look as if I won't get over there until January, and if cold weather is severe, I'll use shiners exclusively, for lake trout.

Today, I mailed my Nikon D7100 to Nikon Service. The flash needs repair. I won't have a camera for at least three weeks, I suppose, but may do some fly fishing within a couple of weeks or so anyhow.

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