A tiny sliver under 20 inches and fat.
The recent Round Valley Reservoir gamefish survey by the NJ Division of Fish & Wildlife found largemouth bass abundant, though mostly growing at a sub-average rate, compared to statewide statistics. One hundred fifty four bass surveyed measured equal to or more than 200 millimeters long or 7.87 inches, and only 63 were greater than or equal to 300 millimeters or almost 12 inches. I think of so many 18-inchers we catch on other lakes, but here at Round Valley, the state surveyed only seven bass greater than or equal to 380 centimeters long, not quite 15 inches, but they did measure three greater than or equal to 510 millimeters or 20.07 inches. The population is unbalanced with respect to size, a relative few of the bass apparently growing better than most, and the study points out the possibility of a state-record largemouth lurking under the reservoir's surface, as evidenced by a monstrous largemouth surveyed, 23.11 inches long, weighing 8.85 pounds. Those other two big largemouths documented were over five pounds. The current New Jersey state record stands at 10 pounds, 14 ounces from Menantico Sand Wash Pond, Cumberland County.
Smallmouths did not show nearly so well, and the study indicates the population is not so abundant as in the past. Nor are the bass as large. I further speculate that with the low reservoir level, smallmouth bass spawning habitat is decreased. They need gravely bottom. Not only that. Their habitat in general is lacking now.
Keep in mind that an electroshock and netting survey is just a small sample on 2350 surface acres, even though that acreage is reduced somewhat for the time being with low water level. This recent effort by the DFW resulted in only three lake trout 9.9 pounds to 21.2 pounds surveyed, and a behemoth over 20 pounds got caught by an angler on Super Bowl Sunday. Big largemouths get caught secretly ever year. I have heard the story of a nighttime surface plugger who experienced a huge strike, terrific battle--and break off. Naturally, he believes he hooked the state record.
In my opinion, it's good culture to agree on releasing big largemouths here. The unusual growth statistics suggest something sort of like the difference between Florida and northern strain largemouths, though this surely can't be whatever it is, in fact. And yet, whatever it is--the survey results show very convincing evidence that largemouths over two pounds are pretty rare here. Those larger may be the better growing fish; I've caught and released a number of them, and will continue to release all of my bass. It's in all of our interests to practice catch and release, because the better bass stand a chance of reaching that record size.
And whoever catches that record in season. That one keep.