

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Laurie's Next Report

Matt got on the train for Boston at 11 this morning. There's more I could say.

Have to get up at 5, so maybe I'll disclose more later. But Mike was wrong about ice fishing on the reservoir. None of that's happened yet, judging by the evidence I saw yesterday.

Laurie Murphy:

Reports of several muskies caught over the weekend on tip ups, released back into the lake, 43 to 47 inches. Lots of perch and pickerel also, along with several walleye and even reports of some Smallmouth bass. The ice on average is still about 8 to 10 inches. Shorelines had opened up some with all that  rain, but with the colder weather have froze back up again.  The Knee Deep will be holding their first ice fishing contest this Sunday, Jan 21 st, from 6 AM to 4 PM. We will be open at 5:30 AM on Sunday morning for the contest. Have a great week...

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