

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Maxwell's Cortland Corner

Spoke to Mike Maxwell while walking Sadie. He might ice fish with me and Joe Landolfi on Tuesday, but what really got my attention was his fixing brakes on a car. If any of you ever need a vehicle serviced, Mike's Cortland Corner is a good option. Watching him work was a pleasure despite the cold, even though I didn't stand there through the whole operation. As Americans, we support small business primarily because the service is good and economical, and Cortland Corner is just that, at a basic level and therefore worthy. Litton's Fishing Lines operates under the motto, "An Angler Always Finds a Way," and just the other day, I contemplated these words, drawing out the fact that they don't apply to me alone. After all, I never wrote "The Angler Always finds a Way," as if to imply myself. Economic hardship is a bitch with a simple solution to her demands. Getting out there and doing work. Does a man depend on a written resume and recipients of it? No. Sometimes none of the likes make any difference, even if they should.

If any of you need mechanical work done, you can phone me at 908-448-8675. I'll relay the message to Mike.  

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