

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Round Valley Dam Project News

Grouting work begins later this year. For now and the foreseeable future, the reservoir level at 374 feet will be maintained, but drawdown to 360 will begin next year. The reservoir reached the record low level of 359.48 on November 29, 2016. The previous record low was 361.05, set on November 28, 1982. Full capacity is 385 (above sea level).


Low water here makes for some very interesting photography. Shoreline fishermen did exceptionally well for rainbows in the fall of 2016, too. My hope is that so much vegetation decomposing under water after the reservoir fills, when the work is done, serves to significantly raise that water's fertility. That will mean more baitfish. And who knows, maybe Round Valley Trout Association and the state can work things out so alewife herring get stocked, and those herring thrive and reproduce for at least a few years before fertility gets scarce again.

Round Valley Reservoir is a renaissance at its best. I've been told there've been years before when trophy trout were sparse, then water level fell, rose again, and it was a boomtown situation again for trout fishermen. And then that fertility thinned out again.

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