

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

State Keeping an Eye on River Herring

An interesting link (below) to NJDEP F&W operations concerning river herring.

When I was about 12, I got filled in on the herring run. My friend David Voorhees, who I knew from church and school, told me about the use of gold hooks, weighted by one-ounce sinkers to get a good cast and a little depth on a medium retrieve. The herring hit that shiny hook and once brought up above the bulkhead at tidal Trenton Delaware River, got tossed in a garbage pail. My friend, his father, and I think his uncle used to fill a garbage can full, take the fish home, and pickle them.

Sure enough, my mother knew how to do that. Or I guess, she figured it out. In any case, I eventually got over to the river and brought some herring home. I did this two or three times a couple or a few May afternoons years apart. The way my mother prepared the herring, they were better than any I've bought at a supermarket.

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