Here's a piece I wrote for New Jersey Federated Sportsmen's News early last year. Edit comment (January 6, 2019): This is one of two articles I've posted on both Litton's Fishing Lines and Fishing in New Jersey. Only the titles and this intro differ, in case you found the other blog first. I was trying to see if one or the other would get to more readers, and as it turns out, both posts are doing that.
Wild Rainbow Passaic Headwaters
Wild and Native Trout in Small, High Quality New Jersey Streams
How I learned about native brook
trout in Dunnfield Creek is permanently obscured, but memories of catching them
in the late 1970’s remain clear and colorful like the aquamarine spring-fed
water. I made pilgrimages during the 1980’s with a brother of mine and also a
girlfriend, catching both native brook trout and wild browns. In 1993, I hiked
with my wife-to-be, Patricia, on a 90-degree July afternoon. Into the deepest
pool I dove, clad in shorts. That’s when I learned just how cold the Creek stays.
Charts and statistics online indicate approximately 50% of original
native brook trout range remains in New Jersey, some of the lines of genetic
inheritance going back about 12,000 years to the Wisconsin Glacier recession. From
Somerset County northward, the New Jersey State Fish, designated by former
Governor James Florio, is a multi-colored, fleshed-out jewel not all that rare.
I’ve found them in a Somerset County rill, a shallow run not listed among 175
New Jersey Wild Trout Streams, which the Division of Fish & Wildlife
designates. My son and I hiked the one-mile length, finding a single hole five
feet deep with half a dozen brookies as large as seven inches finning at
bottom. To the south of the state, native brook trout inhabited parts of the
Pinelands in spring-fed streams and reportedly still do today in Big Timber
Creek, tolerating high acidity.
Not every high quality stream in the state
has brookies. Passaic River headwaters in Sherman Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary’s
vicinity flourish with wild rainbows and browns, absent of any brook trout.
Rockaway Creek has wild browns, but no rainbows. Flanders Brook has all
three species. Countless other examples have their unique characteristics. On
the whole, wild brown trout are most resilient, native brookies not quite as
common a survivor of our state’s environmental pressures, and wild rainbows are
not rare but least to expect.
All three species offer you an
opportunity to count small fish as valuable, although on occasion, I’ve got
news of a true wild brown—not a holdover—more than 20 inches long. I saw a
photo of a five-pound brook trout caught somewhere in remote Warren County. I couldn't quite believe this fish was native, but what else could it have been, caught far back in the forests of Warren County? Some brook trout do holdover from stocking and work their way far upstream to reproduce. Not as natives, but as wild trout, their progeny live on, but it seems unlikely to me that a giant brook trout from a remote forest stream was a wild fish, instead of a native.
Not every small, spring-fed stream
is small its entire length. During seventh grade, a friend and I used to sneak into
the woods during lunch recess, hiking to the headwaters of Little Shabakunk
Creek in Mercer County where we planned on building a dam as beavers would make.
I had the address and contract information of a trout hatchery. We were just
kids. Before complications ensued over a brook trout order, my father asked to
see the site with wood already piled on. I took him there. He said, “You would
need an engineering degree and equipment to build this dam.”
Beavers do it, though.
You will find most wild and native
trout in free-flowing creeks and river headwaters. Some exceptions include
small impoundments of such streams. In the creeks and small rivers, trout don’t
always hold in the deepest pools. I’ve caught nine and 10-inch brookies in
Dunnfield Creek riffles by casting small shad darts on an ultra-light spinning
rod, though in recent years, I stick to my two-weight fly rod. To catch a
seven-incher of any of the three species is to gain an opportunity to witness a
fine specimen. Nine-inch fish prove less common, and yet among brown trout, 14
to 17-inch fish are not drastically rare in streams small where you might not
expect them. They live out their years by very wary behavior.
Rules posted online by NJ Division of
Fish and Wildlife govern designated wild trout streams, limiting anglers to use
of artificial lures. Ultra-light spinning is a perfectly thrilling way to go.
Trout Magnets and tiny jigs of any variety work best. I never bothered with
spinners, because these clear water habitats make the metal seem too flashy for
my taste. Besides, treble hooks are a nasty way to treat the trout, so if you
do use lures with trebles, it’s a good idea to crimp the barbs to ensure clean
release. Use no more than two-pound test low diameter line and you have all the
casting range you need.
Plenty gets written on small
stickbaits for wild browns, especially around spawning time in the fall. I own
tiny one-inch Rapalas I’ve caught plenty of stocked browns on in the past, and
though they would work, longer lengths—yet small—tease out larger fish.
Committed now to my six-foot fly rod, I never look back with any regret to the
jigs I used, nor to the worms browns chewed in February before artificial lures
became the rule on the Dunnfield.
Bead-head nymphs like pheasant-tails,
stonefly imitations, olives, and you-name-it in a variety of smaller hook
measures have proven most versatile, although especially smaller streamers like
Wooly Buggers and Muddler Minnows have had their moments. So do dry flies. If
you’re new to our state’s little secret, consulting local hatch charts is a
good idea, although all-around patterns like the Adams, Elk Hair Caddis, and
Hendricksons are good to begin with especially for eager brook trout. The
plethora of fly patterns available—and of stream entomology—will confuse you
plenty, as it still does me. But if you read Art Scheck, former editor of Fly Fisherman
magazine and former New Jersey resident, you might find him claim the only
pattern he cares to fish for summer brook trout is the floating black ant.
Light tippets of 6X and 7X may not hold a big
trout but prove fitting for the little ones. A diopter can ease the uncertainty
of finding the tie loop of a tiny fly. Just wear a vest and you’re good to go,
unless the stream demands waders in the cooler and cold months.
Summer trout fishing is easy compared
to this time of year. If water temperatures remain as cold as they do in the
Dunnfield Creek, trout will survive their struggle with you. As a rule, I don’t
pursue trout in water above 68 degrees. Right now is a special time to seek out
new streams and fish them. Cold weather inspires zest in the hardy, but if you
feel averse to line freezing in the guides and numb fingers reaching for a hand
warmer, a mild afternoon is a pleasant reminder of days to come. And yet if you
find the deepest pools and fish them patiently while forgetting summer memories
that distract you from the present, you may find persistent winter days are
plenty to comfort the need to get out.

Wild Brown Trout Peapack Brook Caught by Jorge Hildago

Native Brook Trout Dunnfield Creek

Headwaters North Branch Raritan

Capoolong Creek

Hakihokake Creek

Pohandusing Brook

Little Flatbrook
Rockaway Creek

Lamington River above CR 665
Van Campens Brook
Link to a piece on a stream hosting wild brown trout in its upper reaches.