

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Tried Bedminster Pond Again

Told Mike Maxwell earlier they'd be hitting over there. Two of us stood outside, temps in the 60's. It's funny how in society we tend to be so sure of ourselves, even when, at least on a deeper level, we know better. Bass are fickle this time of year. Fishing can be real good, like March 31st last year at 56 degrees when I caught eight in about an hour at this pond. Or, despite even "better" temperature, they don't hit at all. There has to be some reason for it, and it is true wind had come up, the front blowing in, temperature slipping easily, but I don't know if that was why.

I soon switched out my Blue Fox for a Mepp's Aglia that allowed me a slower retrieve through shallows. I like the reflecto tape on the blade, too, in sunlight like this afternoon's. Soon after casting that more than a dozen times, I switched to a Senko, and after nothing took it along a sunny shoreline where I catch bass when they're hitting, I headed towards that deep corner I remarked on last week.

I began fishing the edges of all that brush in the water. You would think a few bass would be there and willing to take a Senko, but nothing happened. In the meantime, I noticed someone else was fishing the corner itself, so I left him alone, and eventually got back to that sun-exposed shoreline, switching out for the Mepp's again.

I did get some suspicious bumps. No weed came in on the treble. And you'd think one of those bumps, if it were wood, would result in some grab, but that never happened. It was if bass just bumped the blade momentarily. Who knows.

Bass are certainly there somewhere in that pond. I also saw a golden/white carp about 28 inches long, when I finished by fishing a pretty deep corner out of the sun near the lot. That fish moved along the edge just out from shore persistently, active as I expected of the bass.

Some kind of duckweed growing in the water.


  1. That pond is tough...never catch anything. I'll try again some day.


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