

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Heavy Thunderstorm Changes Plans

A low thud woke me, and I quickly realized my alarm hadn't gone off. I was out the door three minutes later, rain beginning to break on dry pavement, lightning close. A minute later, I saw roadwork at the entry to I-287 in a downpour, so I made my way through Bernardsville to exit/entry 30.

I caught up with Brian at 5:06, six minutes late, and we had a look at the radar in light rain. The storm hadn't got there yet. I felt willing to sit it out, which according to the forecast would mean waiting until after 7, but Brian had only a couple of hours.

We would have fished in the rain, but the lightning close, casting with graphite rods would have made us fools, even if we didn't get struck.

I'm going to have a look at the North Branch Raritan on the way to work later. The ground is sodden from so much recent rain, so I'm sure these heavy downpours this morning are filling the rivers fast. The plan was to fish again early tomorrow morning for South Branch smallmouths.

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