

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Counting the Dead

Going to try and fish Bedminster Pond with Matt after I post the following. It's not very mild out, so the chance of any catches is little. I haven't ruled out rigging up fly rods and fishing the river instead.

About a week ago, someone at the supermarket pitched me the idea that the pandemic could be biological warfare, planned and executed in the interest of worldwide authoritarian dictatorship, beginning with Putin. I don't believe this is the case. Pandemics happen naturally. I noted the Spanish Flu in a recent post, from which a third of the world's population died. This pandemic won't be as severe, if I have the death percentage correct, but many of us will die, and all the likelihood is that it will have essentially been due to natural causes. It would have helped if tests were widely available, but agency set in place to deal with a pandemic--put in place by the Obama Administration--was gutted by Trump.

If everyone were tested, why lock down? Those who tested as carriers could have quarantined. At the least, we would have had more control in combating this disease from Day One of its emergence in China.

"2.2 million people in the United States could die," news flash just now. In 1918, 675,000 Americans died from the Spanish Flu, but the population was much less, so even if two million of us are soon dead, the percentage isn't quite as high. Rather than to quibble over that, the news now is staggering.

The news also reported Trump as saying he always believed this a pandemic. Yeah? He was reported only 11 days ago or so as saying it's a conspiracy of the democrats to lower his re-election chances. Not long thereafter, I heard him mumble on TV like a druggie that this would soon pass, as if it were nothing.

I will be posting. My mood is somber, and for all I know, it may tend to remain so. I wonder what nation we will re-emerge to find? How many months or years from now?  I am informed there may be a vaccine available in a year and some months from now, so possibly it won't be much more than a year. We suffered a fairly serious economic downturn not much more than a decade ago. This one, I think, will be much worse, but markets will return, of course, if any of us is to survive. America is resilient. America is the toughest nation to ever stand on the face of this earth.

If you catch a whiff of death's stench, remember who you voted for in 2016. If you really are confident in that vote, you know you made a good choice. Confidence is not evasiveness. As we witnessed Republican senators not long ago, we saw them dodge.

America is great. Great enough to suffer damnation. And come back.

I wish I could find more confident words than those, but I don't have them now. What I face is something I know I may not recover from, though I believe I will. I just feel very put out. I worked very hard to get my life back during what has been a most chaotic winter for me. True--good thing I got my equipment in order before the lock down. I would have been screwed. But no sooner was I finally feeling hints of normality, than this pandemic came down on us.

Part of what sucks so much is that even with the economy as good as it was just weeks ago, who among us was full of confidence and life?  I'm speaking for myself; maybe you were full of confidence and life: I did see some photos of outstanding catches on Facebook. Are we to give up and not even care to return, because life sucked anyway? Maybe we'll explore the depths of depression in the interim, and find life calls us back in spite of ourselves. Not very appealing, no, but speaking for myself again, I sure know I can't get cheerful over TV ads, and rarely have got cheerful over them, anytime. If I controlled the TV in our household, it wouldn't be on as much, and in any event, maybe people will wake up about how childish and ridiculous so much marketing is. Not to talk down children, but ads behaving like 13-year-olds jacking off for the first time aim at adults. 

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