

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Everyone Buys Amazon so Beware

Tuesday night, I weighed choice between buying a subscription to Microsoft Office 365 or buying Office 2019. Two choices, the latter. A download or a key. In the process of search, I clicked on "key" in Amazon, which I later recognized was a mistake. I was simply curious about what Amazon might inform me. Well, not enough. I drove to Best Buy to talk to real people.  I had bought my new Asus laptop through Best Buy. There I saw 2019 with the key for $249.99, (I would have just installed my old 2013, but I hadn't uninstalled it from my former computer, now partially dismantled.) On Amazon, the key version was $218.99.

I regretted not buying from a real store. Giving them my business,. But 32 bucks. To me, that's a lot.  I got home and told my wife all about my encounters and the price, and she said, "That's why Best Buy is going out of business. Everyone buys Amazon."

In the meantime, I joined a few photo forums and posed questions about any advantage of One Drive 1T for D850 photography. (Office 365.) I judged the advantages are dubious at best. The Publisher feature might have come in handy if no commercial publisher cares about my book, but I see I can buy it separately for like $59.99, and besides, other applications for sale might be better.

So. I went to Amazon to place my purchase, saw the price had gone up to $249.99, and immediately remembered that moment I clicked on "key" the night before. I felt certain they had raised the price on me. I searched and searched for a better price. I certainly wasn't gong to fall for a knock-off or malware "tech" support, but I did find one seller that seemed aboveboard, though I would have to wait on shipping. (We have Amazon Prime.) I judged that I've grown up enough not to rely on a seller I can only judge seems OK.  I play it fast and loose with inexpensive fishing tackle, and so far, have not been ripped off, though I've waited as long as a month to get items. It's different with software. I really want to be certain what I'm installing on my computer is good. (I once bought a $1500.00 Nikon lens from a Manhattan seller Ken Rockwell does not recommend for $1199.99, and it works perfectly OK, but my days of taking chances like that are done, I hope.)

I tried to switch to my wife's account. Didn't have her password. She was asleep. It was not worth $32.00 to wake her.

I bought it. Recounted this to her minutes ago. Immediately, she said, "They raised the price on you. You need to go to a computer with a different IP address. Wouldn't have mattered, had you switched to my account."

"I could have gone to the library."

"Yes, and accessed your account there....But you would have got it a day later."

How's the WH?

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