

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Encroachment on Open Space

We push back because that's our place. We don't simply agree with the rules, though we observe them. No civilization is on record in which every individual agreed. That would be the Borg. From Star Trek. And not even that, because although resistance was said to be futile, the Enterprise crew won out.

Now Natirar is closed, also. Trish had said earlier the county parks will probably follow the Governor. She also pointed out the park was crowded. Any of us knows that getting too close may mean death these days.

But we must get outdoors. Immune systems depend on sunlight. Vitamin D pills will help, but they are substitutes, and a substitute cannot serve full measure. Being in sunlight-- or even under clouds-- is healthy in more ways than Vitamin D alone.

Do not depend on a "normal" immune system. Boost it even further. Get worked up outdoors, and the abundance of your surroundings is literally infectious, but the only disease you may suffer--maybe not--is mania. And you can find literature documenting superhuman feats of manics. One of those superhuman qualities is heightened immunity.

I once positioned my 17 1/2-foot fiberglass boat--very heavy--so the bow was raised very high. I got underneath to paint the bottom when the supports broke. I actually caught that boat and slowly put it down. Two friends witnessed. I saw their eyes actually bugging out. It was if they could not believe what they saw. Not a word was spoken about it.

The brain has physical power, too. And a manic's brain is north of normal 10% usage.


  1. Washington Valley park was overrun with people Sunday, all out on the trails, hiking in groups, setting up picnics, etc. I cannot blame the Gov for clamping down further. Fred

    1. Seems my wife said basically the same. I push back, though, because I'm not the guy abusing privilege.

    2. When we fished the lake, I did feel concerned, viewing teenagers partying on an island. I understand the 8:00 curfew. But kids will be kids, and in reality, there's no making them conform to adult rules. They can be very savvy at giving the appearance of compliance, but the minute they're out of sight, they live by their own rules. Me, I'm sort of a child at heart. But the six-foot rule? Try 12, because I've observed breath easily going that far when vaping. That's all the more reason to close parks, but would I be getting close to others? When passing on a trail, but it's a simple matter to hold one's breath and not touch face or hair. If I were Mr. Murphy, I guess I would do the same. Because people are irresponsible, and must be protected. But I'm not Mr. Murphy, and where do I stand first? On the Earth, or in a state hall where law is put in place? Roundabout answer, but maybe it only begins to make sense of my passionate post.


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