

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Not Today

Listening to Pink Floyd's "Dogs" as I write, mildly anticipating the gruesome job tomorrow. I over-did it on Monday, pushing carts hard at the supermarket. Left early, too much pain. Couldn't get past it. I decided to cancel on the lake with Brian today, because I couldn't tell what might happen. There's definitely an element I can't predict when my back is bad. We hope to go Tuesday. And I'm hoping to fish with Oliver Round on Sunday.

Funny how short-term memory fails as you age. I had something to say I forget now. Whatever it was, was the point of writing.


"As the fear grows, the bad blood slows and grows to stone," but I was never "broken by trained personnel," though that fear lingers. Quite a cautionary tale, the words of this music. Close call, that stone, but anyway, as I write now, the back is much better. And besides, I don't believe no one has a real friend.

I heard a dog barking pleasantly outside as a thunderstorm approached. That's why I put "Dogs" on, Sadie sleeping on her back on the other couch.



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