

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Not Today

Listening to Pink Floyd's "Dogs" as I write, mildly anticipating the gruesome job tomorrow. I over-did it on Monday, pushing carts hard at the supermarket. Left early, too much pain. Couldn't get past it. I decided to cancel on the lake with Brian today, because I couldn't tell what might happen. There's definitely an element I can't predict when my back is bad. We hope to go Tuesday. And I'm hoping to fish with Oliver Round on Sunday.

Funny how short-term memory fails as you age. I had something to say I forget now. Whatever it was, was the point of writing.


"As the fear grows, the bad blood slows and grows to stone," but I was never "broken by trained personnel," though that fear lingers. Quite a cautionary tale, the words of this music. Close call, that stone, but anyway, as I write now, the back is much better. And besides, I don't believe no one has a real friend.

I heard a dog barking pleasantly outside as a thunderstorm approached. That's why I put "Dogs" on, Sadie sleeping on her back on the other couch.


Sunday, May 31, 2020

Last at Round Valley Until August Perhaps

Probably my last photo shoot at Round Valley for awhile...I hope to get over in August, though. And I still have in mind a long hike into the back sometime. Once again I brought my St. Croix, but the pond was so crowded with fishermen, I didn't bother. Reservoir was too, and though I could have tried a spot, with chill on the air, I wasn't interested.

I didn't stay quite to sunset. I decided to make it in and out pretty quick. Have a lot to do at home.

It is nice having the park so near home.

Looking forward to Tuesday with Brian. I haven't altogether forgotten that a five- or six-pounder is possible. Last time Brian went to the lake, his buddy caught a 5.7-pound largemouth.