

Thursday, March 4, 2021

You Could Hear Ice Melt Yesterday

Looking ahead now to trolling hybrids, the most exciting fishing I do. Doubtful my son will join me. He graduates Boston University on May 16, but probably stays up there until he begins study in the fall for a Master degree.

He recently had me read over an application essay for a summer job with a company in California. (He would work from Boston.) He did cutting edge work at artificial intelligence in the quest to better understand the Higg's boson, or as the subatomic particle is nicknamed, "the God Particle." That's in his favor for getting any job in his field. The quantum AI work he would do this summer is the Silicon Valley variety.

Will be interesting to see if he and I ever go for hybrids again. I kind of think we will.  

It is cold tonight and I'm not motivated to check the weather. I did put my ice fishing gear away for the season. You could hear the ice melt yesterday.

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