

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Did Some Fishing and a Photo Shoot

Showers changed my mind at first. Instead of a Round Valley photo shoot, I would fish Bedminster Pond for a short while, then the North Branch Raritan nearly a mile below the stocking point. I caught nothing at Bedminster Pond, but did have probably a sunfish play with my worm, and something else pick it up, though I never quite felt the weight of a bass. 

I began with a large spinner. I expected either quick result or that nothing would happen, so I began worming close cover. I fished nearly 40 minutes. That place sometimes fishes well in March, and then it seems the water's got to be really warm and you catch a few just before the algae is too thick. 

It's already got free-floating algae. Some.

At Round Valley, spritzers of rain fell, and I finally decided I would subject my lens to no more. The camera itself is pretty rain resistant. (How much, though, is a guess.) I got about 35 shots and deleted more than half, but a handful are interesting. 

Still want to try for trout far from the dump spot. I spoke to one guy at the pond who had been fishing far from the stocking points. He said he's limited out every day since the 10th.


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