

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

South Branch Off Color

I don't get many chances to fish the river, and it does annoy me when I come and find it off color, but even so, when I went on Saturday morning, I got into it.

I had a long stretch all to myself. Calm. Sunny at seven-something. I fished about 40 minutes, working a small popper from a spinning rod. Nothing ever rose for it, but I saw a few carp furiously break water, which was exciting, and I listened rather closely to mourning doves. 

But that stain in the water. That muddy cast. If anyone else fishes the river and does OK when it's like that, please comment, I'd like to know about it. I have caught some smallmouths when it's like that. Even once in November it was a bit off color and I scored. But for the most part I go fishless.

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