

Friday, December 17, 2021

RV Trout on Big Rat-L-Trap

Got home from visiting my dad in time to ride over to Round Valley with my black Lab Sadie, and dunk Power Bait, hoping to duplicate Dave DeLucca's success on same last week. Never happened. 

But as dusk came on, a young guy walked down and began throwing a plug. After five minutes, I suddenly heard splashes, looked, and saw a rainbow of about 16 or 17 inches in the air. It was hooked well out & away from shore, too. Later on, I watched the guy and he didn't seem to be letting the plug sink. A big Rat-L-Trap.

I congratulated him on his fish. He certainly was happy. And I told him it's good to see one get caught on a Rat-L-Trap, instead of the Power Bait I was using.

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