

Friday, February 4, 2022

Secure Site

I'm not technically brilliant, but I get least eventually. And I'm glad I got no word of any user of my site getting into any trouble because it wasn't https secure. I myself only noticed it wasn't tonight. Apparently, everything online used to be http insecure. 

I figured it's best to have changed the setting before anyone has trouble...

Even though no one ever would have trouble. Don't I know that. I don't really, so I'm being sensible.

But there's a catch I've been leading my words to. The Share Bar, those numbers that used to be at the bottom of each post, is apparently locked out. That must have been an old http device. Someone had emailed me in 2013, offering me the code to install. Those were innocent times. Today, I might have suspected him and his code as a phishing attempt. I remember that email. I didn't feel any suspicion at all, and there you go--the Share Bar worked.

Those numbers were a lot of fun. 

I know they're still there, because I tried reverting back to http to see if they remained. Unless there's only a temporary glitch, no one will be able to add more, though.

I'll still see on the dashboard how many visitations each post gets.

Guess I'm going with security. I believe it was Ben Franklin who said that to choose security over freedom is to gain neither, but besides the loss of the numbers game, the only freedom lost is that a cyber criminal might have.

So I'll hit the publish button now... 

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