

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Another New Pond and First Open Water Fish

This is the pond Brenden's been fishing. The other one he hasn't tried yet. 

I couldn't stay into dusk last evening, because my wife came with Sadie the black Labrador, who is almost 13 and has severe arthritis. I decided to keep morale up by being with them as Sadie struggled back to the car. I guess I fished about 20 minutes, not long enough to really get a handle on the fishing, but long enough to take the Beetle Spin harness off and just fish the jig, lose that to a snag, and then tie on another jig and stupidly yank the tail off one of my 8-inch blue Chompers. I have six-inch green ones. Blue Chompers aren't on the market anymore, last I checked, and I managed to get three packs off ebay, though I might not be able to find any now. 

I did spot a nice 13-incher pretty quick. It didn't care for the Beetle Spin so I switched to a jig, the water dropping off quickly. The little one I did catch rushed that jig as I retrieved it for the next cast, and that next cast meant it got whalloped by the bass instantly. 

I like the place. Bigger than I expected, too. A lot of wood in the water, always a good sign, although not so much wood as Mount Hope Pond where I used to fish. Water color is well balanced. Does not have the off-color tinge the pond I fished the other day has.

Temperature was 72 when I arrived.


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