

Friday, July 29, 2022

Pike Action

Frist cast resulted in a 10-inch northern pike. Interesting, because if my information is correct, the first stocking point is many miles downstream below Chatham. I was in Long Hill Township, pretty close to Basking Ridge. Another pike maybe 18 inches long took a swipe at the plug, next cast. I was using a #11 Rapala floater. 

Upstream ust a little way, I winged a cast across the river, trying to get the plug near some wood. Mid-river a big pike rushed it, and though I could somehow feel the force of the fish's pass, hooks never got grab. The surface bulged more than a yard across. 

All of the action was right near the bridge where I parked. 

Further downstream, I hooked another 18-incher, but it got off. 

Thirty-eight minutes culminating after sunset. 

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