

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Newly Owned Fly Rod

It's a Cortland nine-foot, five weight. How old, I don't know. Got it as a gift from the Air B & B Superhost up at the Finger Lakes in August. I test casted by our cabin up there. Feels nicer than my six weight. Planning on trying it tomorrow. 

At the Zoo. 

Now that the cones have been down more than a week, I guess it's getting stocked. The purpose of a government should be to protect the freedom of the innocent, so if the removal of those cones does mean access is returned to normal, then at least the local Bedminster government acted in the favor of the innocent sooner than later. 

I know Bedminster's mayor from when our boys were in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. I wrote him about the cones almost three weeks ago.  

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