

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year 2023

Happy New Year everyone!

I'll say 2022 was a good one and we look forward to more. Not going to get another outing with Matt, but I will try to fish a river pretty soon. Not sure what's going to happen with ice. 

Matt and I will try to install a new motor for my Minn Kota Endura 55 this evening. Then Sunday he flies back to California. Hoping the best for TAE Technologies and nuclear fusion.


  1. Happy New Year my friend. Holding off from my tradition of buying my license on Jan 1 as my Senior Discount kicks in Jan 30, its a principle thing, they can't make it the "year of your 65th birthday", no, it has to be exact, come on NJDEP! Wish Matt safe travels and a safe abundant energy breakthrough from me!

    1. I thought you had to wait until you're 70. Is the Senior Discount partial or do get to fish for free? Is this a new deal? I'll pass on your wishes to Matt. Do you realize he is right at the center, doing the actual work that could make that breakthrough? And to what that could lead to? Translating that into dollars is a big deal. Billions. But not as big a deal as the energy gains.

  2. Ten dollar discount 65-70. No license required 70 forward. Just let me know when to buy the stock, lol.. FM


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