

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Encounter with a Brown Trout

Got this year's permit, and took a shot of Echo Lake. Then I got in a little trout fishing before I fixed my squareback canoe.

I had wandered down to the stream with my camera. Gazed into gin-clear water from an elevated stance. The pool looked really nice. Three, four feet deep. Rocks. Plunge at the head. 

I didn't see any trout. 

Satisfied with my search, I was about to turn away, when suddenly, like a website pop-up as you reach for the X in the top right corner of a laptop screen, I saw a subdued flash like a knife blade a split second before the water splashed.

I kept still and searched the bottom of the pool. There it was. A brown fully eight inches long if not a little better.

I got my two-weight and worked a bead-head repeatedly, but nothing happened. 

I saw Brian Cronk minutes later. He said I should have used a stonefly pattern. Noted that as something to buy.

Wild and Native Trout  

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