

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Happy New Year

Bloody Decks Outdoors  Happy New Year! Link is to Southern Cal charters, but the website as a whole is pretty cool. I'm thinking of southern shores as the winter comes on. In 2026, I plan on driving to Florida, and this time I might make an even better deal on big fish, having time to leisurely figure things out. At any rate, I saw an article on the Keys by Vin Sparano in the pre-version of Federated Sportsmen's News, about really big fish. That got me thinking of expanding my plans to include them. Any of my friends are welcome to meet me down there. I'm planning on driving, but anyone else might find it convenient to fly. Renting a large center console doesn't cost all that much and I have the boater certificate integrated with my driver's license. 

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