The stripers are either in the surf before you at the moment, or not. I just hit it losses this fall. To really be knowledgeable, including means of gaining fresh, pinpoint information, is to put the odds in your favor. No excuses, but I live all the way out here in Bedminster, don't have a cell phone network besides my brother in Wall, and otherwise I'm limited to the internet and phoning baitshops. All that is pretty general when striper action is very local. So I settle on the little I can do and every time I go, I gain some in experience. Every time I go...I start thinking about my dream to do better in the surf some day. One recent night with waves as high as 12 feet, I bulleted my Ava over to try to reach any fish just beyond--conditions were pretty good, one night was moonless with fairly light surf.
I also got skunked on all four short recent outings to Round Valley for shoreline trout, limited to a single rod each of these trips. Still, things seemed to just not go my way. I am grateful for the steelhead my son and I caught a month ago, and look forward to good ice fishing, if we get any sustained ice. If not, I think I'll try fly fishing the Pequest River. I would like to try for walleyes in the Delaware, although that dream essentially is of doing it by boat, as I have done many years ago successfully. I could try the humble fishing that the Delaware and Raritan Canal offers, but the last time I tried that was not a happy occasion, I think I'll stick with Round Valley a few times over the winter, and return to the canal next summer. This past summer the largest bass I've ever had on in the canal took a Senko, and that made for an interesting lunch break.
As always, it's good to get out. To have walls around me is to be all too surrounded by myself after awhile. Exercising practicalities lets you forget about things otherwise important, but which tend to lose their true importance by getting over done. And I really believe there's nothing like fishing to exercise practical skills recreationally. I like eco-tourist birding, for example. But that's never hands-on as fishing is, practicality which gets you out of yourself. It can involve a monoscope or binoculars; it involves difficult identifications; it can release the spirit into a higher state, but I don't find it grounds me to this planet as fishing does.
There's a time and place for everything; I pursue many activities. And fishing is not only fun, it's interesting. It gets me thinking anyhow.
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