Thursday, May 23, 2013

Another Season Passes at Round Valley Reservoir and Pond

So it's over at Round Valley for another season, the area open without fee until Memorial Day and then again after Labor Day. I'll try around the rocks on both the reservoir and pond sides into June, but I've never succeeded after Memorial Day, except by boat.

Caught four smallish bass as large as close to a pound in the reservoir, sighted an 18-incher, and caught nothing in the pond. This year, the only hit I had in the pond came on April 25th, apparently a big one.

Holding the bass as photographed, the fish felt cold. The water's still chilly in the reservoir, but today sunfish flushed the shallows en masse. Last year this happened earlier of course.

This marked the third May I fished Round Valley, besides once fishing the pond May 3rd, 2009. I've caught a few over three pounds, one of them nearly four, but most have been about the size of the bass photographed. Larger bass have been coming from elsewhere. But when you sight a six-pound smallmouth as I did a while back, you know they're in there. When I fished the reservoir by boat in June 1978, we caught a lot of bass and they averaged 2 1/2 pounds.

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